Monday, September 24, 2012

Students: Based on our recent readings pertaining to different Gods who were believed to reside in mount Olympus (in Olympia),which is located in Northern part of Greece, we have learned the important role these gods played in the lives of the people. The Greeks believed if they had any problem, it was essential to pray to which God or Godess to answer to their prayers, to get their problems resolved. we also learned the Greeks believed they were made in their gods images. For example, the gods looked and acted like humans, they fought, fell in love and were jealous of each other just like humans fought, fell in love and be jealous of each other.

The only difference there were between the gods and humans were that the Gods were immortal  and had special powers and the humans were mortals and died when they get old. And if they were lucky to live a peaceful and healthy life they would die at an older age.

sdfp zeus(Zeus, the god of all gods)

The Greeks honored their gods existence  by holding sport events. The sport events were specifically put in place the honor the god of all gods Zeus. 
 The  people of Olympia and the people from all over Greece participated in these events. Some of the sport events they held were as the following: Boxing, wresteling,  and running events (of course  in comparison to today we have many more events added to the contest). People competed against each other to win. Today this tradition is stronger than ever before.  This is the reason why every four years we have everyone from all over the world come take part in the Olympics.

Olympic Wrestling

 The maps below will give you some insight into the location we speak of. The video below will also help reinforce your knowledge on the tradition the Greeks carried on for centuries which the world now embraces. And it has become part of the continuity to honor and to show respect for the gods. 


Questions: If you had a chance to compete in the Olympics, which sport event would you have prefered to participate in? 

The map below will give you some insight to Olympias location in Ancient Greece.
File:Greece location map.svgthe next map gives you a closer look of the location of Olympia.

Below are some of the sport that were added to Olympic game events.
 Gabby Douglas


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Roseland,

    You are starting to get the idea and I think that with some editing you will be on the way to a great blog.

    You may want to write your blog postings in Word to make sure that you are using correct spelling and conventions. I cannot begin to stress this strongly enough.

    I like the fact that you embedded a video however, you need to find one that is more appropriate for this particular project. The video that you posted is extremely vague. It only has music as a background while it scans through photos of landscapes, statuary and some animations. However, how are the students supposed to know what these artifacts are supposed to be? This video presupposes an enormous amount of prior knowledge, which most sixth grade students will not have at this stage. I am also concerned that the preponderance of nudity on the video would be very problematic to parents and school administrators

    Your question to the students is not formulated concretely enough. You may want to narrow it down and phrase it in such a manner that it is comprehensible to all students.

    You also posted a map yet did not post an explanation as to what it is representing.

    Keep refining your posting and I am sure it will be an awesome blog when you are finished with it.

  3. I liked the way you formatted your blog. I liked some of the pictures you used. The only suggestion I would add is maybe making the question more specific by combining them together.

    1. Good point William, being specific is crucial when we want the students to complete an assignment

    2. Thanks William for your suggestion. I went over the questions and rewrote it to make it clearer.

  4. Your blog is coming along Rose. I'm glad you were able to figure out how to add all the extra's. As you revise, I would suggest you add more pictures/video of the Olymics and how they are performed today. I think providing links to the current Olympics would help a student who may not be familiar with exactly what the Olympics are. It may also be helpful to provide a link of all the sports offered at the Olympics to help make their choice a bit easier.

    1. Thanks Liz, that was a great suggestion I hadn't even thought of. I deffinately will take both suggestions into consideration.

    2. Rose, here is a link on the history of the Olympics. It is almost 15 minutes long but it covers the ancient olympics, lighting the torch, opening ceremonies and many other topics relating to the Olympics.

  5. Rose, I truly enjoyed your blog! You did a very nice job with adding pictures, maps and a video that would help your students understand the assignment. The only suggestion I do have would be to maybe break up the paragraph a little by moving a picture or the video from the bottom and placing it at the top (or in the middle). Nice Job!

    1. Thanks Amie, thats a good suggestion. Segmenting this one paragraph into smaller ones and to add pictures to relate to each paragraph will definately help the student to make connections between what is said in the paragraph to the picture.

  6. Rose your Blog is really nice! i think the students will really enjoy participating in this blog. Most people are familiar with the olympics and that will allow the students to bring in their own prior knowledge. My suggestion to you would be to make your question a little more specific, because there is just so much information that could be the answer. Students may have a hard time narrowing that down on their own.

    I also saw this in the paragraph: "Some of the sport events they held were as the following: Boxers, wrestelers, and runners"
    i would correct that to the event names, like boxing, wrestling, and running.

    Great job! I think this is a wonderful topic!

    1. Thanks Jess, I have made these changes. After I read this over, that's when I actually noticed the mistake. Thank you for pointing that out to me.

  7. Nice job on your blog Rose! I like how you provided video and pictures for the students to get a clear idea of the Olympics now and then. One suggestion that I have would be to incorporate these pictures and videos throughout the text of your blog. As a student, I would not know where to start with all of them bundled together. I like your topic and how it makes the student compare between the Olympics now and then! Good job!

    1. Thanks Christine, I tried your suggestion and love it, I could see myself how much better this looks (from a student's perspective.)
